Monday, June 18, 2012


Recently someone my age committed suicide because he see himself as a failure in life. He have a "dead end job" he couldn't afford things like marriage and sadly our society expect more than what he can achieve. You see, I did say you can't blame him for being the way he is because, given a choice he wants to be capable and smart, given a choice he wants to be able to provide and succeed in life.

You might say, his stinking attitude led to a crappy life. True but that was the result of his up bringing and mind programming, is it totally his fault?. Did he choose his parents and the type of up bringing? Given a choice he would probably choose to be born in a well to do family that comes with good up bringing.

I have been thinking about this since at least 6 years old and I remember my mom getting a bit annoyed with me when I question all these things hahaha. I concluded that we can't blame incompetent people or "poor and useless" people for being who they are. They are the by product a world filled with unfairness and suffering. The catch is, we could be them by being born as them. The line between the average, rich and poor is very very thin. The similarity between the haves and have not is, God is the maker of them all. Despising the incapable and poor for being who they are just doesn't sound right.

The conviction in me is to do my best to make this world better for everyone. Hopefully someday if God bless me, I can have the privilege to have more influence in this area.

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