Thursday, July 23, 2009

Truth about New Zealand

These are my observation of New Zealand. I love New Zealand, I spend a good part of my life there, I finish Hi-school there and graduated from Auckland Uni. I worked in Australia/New Zealand for a good 2 years.

From the outside, NZ seems like a prosperous country, laid back and relaxed. But truth be told, New Zealand is in terrible debt which stands at 21.2% of its entire GDP!! The reason? The National party led by Robert Muldoon in the 1980s borrowed a large sum of foreign capital to buy assets that did nothing to improve the condition of NZ. To this day NZ is still in debt with a trade deficit as big as 8-9% of its GDP! The NZ government have refuse any audit on the outcome of foreign capital borrowing.

From all that in order to sustain a relatively high living standard New Zealand have been selling its assets to foreigners(big ones). For starters all their banks accept for 1(kiwi bank) have been sold to foreigners, do you know the implication of a country that is under the mercy of foreigners that own her banks? Even so there are talks about selling Kiwi bank, their only national bank! A recent study have shown that NZ productivity level relative to her population is the 3rd lowest in the OECD. So to sum it up, NZ is in a hole, big debts, large trade deficit, highly unproductive population(3rd lowest in the OECD) and relying on selling their assets to sustain their living standards. What have this result into? Ridiculously high taxes, increasing trade deficit due to money being siphon out to foreigners that own their assets and New Zealand being at the mercy of their offshore asset masters. Just to name a few.

Do you think all these are by coincidence? Do you know what Alan Bolard their fed chairman said? "A return to that borrow-and-spend behaviour before household debt has been reduced to more prudent levels is a clear risk, Bollard warns, and a threat to a sustained recovery."

He is basically saying, we need to spend more and save less to get us out of the recession. He says this knowing that NZ is in a dire situation.... You don't spend your way out of recession, you produce your way out of it. Having NZ spending will put them deeper into a debt hole. NZ leaders know what they are doing to NZ they ain't dumb, judging from their actions they are purposefully running NZ into a crisis somewhat like Ireland. It is the same thing American politicians are doing to their country, running their country into an abyss. For what reason? The rabbit hole is deep..... I will explain it another day.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wall Street Banksters and Washington

I saw this online, The vice president of America Joe Biden said "We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt" That is the dumbest statement i have ever heard.... When you are in recession or a depression like what America is in now you don't SPEND your way out of the depression..... You produce your way out. You produce goods that other countries need and that will get you out of a recession, you don't print money out of nothing! You'll end up like Zimbabwe. this is not economics 101 anymore, this is economics for dummies.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Definition of Identity

I have wondered since 7 this question, what defines our identity? Many would probably say our personality, our physique, our talents. But isn't that 3 properties of our make up a result of what we were biologically born with? Isn't it something inherited? How can we say it is out identity when clearly we received it all from our parents? Some would say is what you do that defines you. But then if that were the case I would ask what is the difference between me and Osama Bin Laden? Sure there's a trillion and one things but there is one answer to that trillion that will sum it ALL up, and that is this- I happen not to be born in the body of Bin Laden by HIS mother. To me that's the only difference between me and anybody in this world.... because really every other trillion things that defines us will root at only this- to whom were we born to. I can say with 100% guarantee that if I were born as Saddam Husein I will do exactly as he did kill the kurds, rape iran, not because I want to(speaking as Benjamin) but because I will be 100% like him if I was born him...... This is also the main reason why i believe that salvation or not, is already decided on the day your sperm reached your mothers egg. If you were born Judas the traitor you are fated to go to hell, if you were born Billy Graham you are fated to enter heaven.

Honestly I hate thinking about it, but I cant help but act knowledge it in my life..... This is just my take on the world. If you ask me what i think is our true identity??? My answer is this- Our identity as individuals is the result of the sum of all the decisions our ancestors have made which decides everything about us, from where we live to whether we go to hell or heaven. I came to that conclusion purely on deductive logic, are these views supported by the bible? Yes and that will have to be another blog, i need sleep, zzzzzzzzzzzzz. There is sooooo many things i want to ask God if and only if I do make it to heaven.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Social rituals

I find that most people that engage in debates and arguments are just doing it to make themselves feel better(either to portray an image of themselves or to feel smart), and so sometimes when I argue my point it does give some sort of impression that I just want an argument for the hell of it when in truth I just want to dig out more from the other party by stating contradictions. Having said that, this kind of social ritual is somewhat meaningless and non-productive, if our view of reality is somewhat distorted and reality is not constant then its not worth the effort proving a point that may not last. If your views are nearer to the truth, than it will reflect in your achievements and actions. My problem is, I find a lot of social rituals a waste of time, take say dating, there is a ritual that needs to be performed at the right sequence in which each sequence have to mature before you progress forward to the next sequence. (no I ain't talking about marriage its a different beast and I don't know about it) A friend of mine I met while offshore told me how he got his wife, within 3 days of meeting they decide not to waste time and just get married. I personally don't agree with hasty decisions but I like his idea of not wasting time on meaningless social rituals and get on with life.

Most personality types enjoy social rituals like flirting, small talks.... They do serve a purpose, for example the true reason why we flirt is to find out more about the persons intellect, is she witty? Is she in control of her own head? and generally its fun! All seemingly innocent social rituals have a purpose. Subconsciously in a group we tend to find the alpha male or female... more dominant personality will make sure he/she establish that and that all the rest will know it. How he does it? through seemingly innocent small talks.... I guess we humans are like wolf packs in which there are social hierarchy and the way to establish it is not through election, strangely its through a social ritual I call social positioning. When an alpha woman or man makes a seemingly innocent joke about someone in the group and the rest laugh, its usually to make that guy/girl conform to the alpha man's rules in a very subtle way. Its not obvious and unless someone have spend time learning this rituals no one will notice but through non-innocent words their heart and head will be moved without them knowing. There are many more examples that sounds like direct manipulations but I will just end and conclude here. Humans are a strange bunch, we are not direct in our intentions but when we want our way in a group we naturally utilize social rituals to stealthily control a group.... seen that too many times. I concluded that as sinister as it sounds on 1st impression, it serves a good purpose in society, because of the way we are made we will be chaotic without a system of hierarchy that will provide the rules and orders, be it in an organization, a group of friends or a cheerleader squad. Therefore God probably place those tendency in our heads to enable us to live together, a social hierarchy to keep the order.