Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The benefit of impressing people?

I have a friend that "have it all". Sure I am intrigued by his ability in business and happy for his success. However I notice that at least some of his mates does not share his joy in his success. After living for a while, I think I can safely conclude that another man's success almost usually breeds envy in most of his associates. With envy, good thing rarely happens.

Therefore if i become successful in my own standards I will try to hide it from most people. I will only review it to the people that matters. After all even if I am fabulously successful one day I want my "yet to be" kids to grow up in a middle class environment in a normal neighborhood. The last thing I want is my "yet to be" kids to grow up thinking he is a cut above the rest, or thinking he is genetically superior. Don't laugh I have had rich acquaintance brag about their family's genes and claiming they are descendants of some ancient Chinese royal family.

I myself am vulnerable to becoming a stuck up douche bag if I don't watch it. I have a realization that everything I have is given OR I inherit. Nothing I have is truly mine. I hope I can maintain my integrity in this world that is filled with temptation. Though I have big dreams and plans I wish to live simple. I hope my integrity will hold. Nothing good can come out from impressing most people if you are successful, it is good enough if your close love ones celebrate with you.

Why impress people that don't even care in the first place.

Inteligent and cocky

Have you ever met a smart person that gives good advice but he annoys the hell out of you with his/her arrogance? Well these people come by every now and then. Sure they lack PR skills but you sure can benefit if you can look past their attitude and listen to what they have to say.

Monday, September 19, 2011

How to choose a woman/trade

Folks this is a post that I posted on a trading forum where only traders are reading. I thought I would like to share it here. Some of the terms here are trading terms

Hahaha that was a funny analogy. Lets say in this world all the girls are "easy" to tackle, like trading, any trades are easy to take anyway. Just choosing a blue eye blond has its risk, because she might have blue contact or dyed her hair. But if she confluence with, she has her own house, she got more money than you, she got a high paying job and she got a liveable and generous attitude. At least if she fake you out, eg her hair and eye color was fake, you still got a good deal and choice to exit at break even. But say she confluence with having a lot of wealth! Dude you just hit a home run, you will exit with a home run or you can try to sponge on her living like a king until she gets fed up and then exit with more(this is called trailing your stop lost remember exit is important). Does it happen often? no. But say you pick every blue eye blond that doesn't have any confluence(like at least a job), dude, you are going to be working a day job for her up keep, therefore a lost! And when you 2 part ways, since you have more wealth, she will take some of your wealth and leave you at a lost, again! Hence the moral of the story is, taking only trades/girls with confluence is important to come out better off in the long run or at least break even when you part ways with the trade/girl.

PS: When I wrote this, I was serious about the trading side not the getting a girl side. That was just a joke.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our humanly duty

I have been thinking about this for a while now, I think part of our duty as a human beings is to defend our rights and oppose oppression from the governing elites. I am alive today because my ancestors in China oppose the oppression and fled, my ancestors also oppose the murdering Japanese and fought back. The ones that didn't oppose and allow their fate to be dictated by the oppressors are all dead, especially in Malaysia.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pretty singles plague

Oh no, I am surrounded by temptation. At my age I know quite a few single hot attractive laddies that I would like to take out, but if I do that, that will be cheating my GF. If I can convince my GF to become muslim I will have room for 3 more laddies(no pork is just a small scarifies), amen to Mohammad.... lol. I can then marry rich wives so I don't have to work, idiot!...... No I am just joking, really. But oh my..... there is a always a prettier rose somewhere or a taller mountain etc. If I make this a habit of mine that checks other girls over my GF shoulders, one day I will give in and shit will hit the fan. lol.

Ok I got a new tech idea for the geeks(Trust me wifes around the world will love me for this). Since face recognition technology has advanced, how about a special pair of spectacles that when it detect a pretty face or a curved-assed or an overweight chest girl it will superimpose an ugly old witch/humanoid-reptile over her, virtually of course. Therefore the only pretty thing the guys will see is their own wife/gf and they won't tolerate the sight of 'other' pretty things.... Yeah I will use it because, look, I am on a mission and I can do without some stupid extra complications and dramas. Ah, the urge to procreate can potentially derail a person and destroy his dreams. Is the risk worth the 5-30 minutes of pleasure in the bedroom? Heck no, because unlike your life goals, it is cheap and available.(the real reason is, loving one woman is more satisfying) But guys, trust me, you won't think like that at the defining time. Ok, if I invent that special spec I will be rich! Because wives are going to buy it from me. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

PS: I am not serious about the reason I don't want to procreate with multiple partners. There is a religious reason.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dealing with sceptics

If you are an optimist you shouldn't be around skeptics. If you are generally open minded and a keen learner you shouldn't be with the narrow minded. If you do you will become like them. Skeptics are good, because they can point out flaws you might have missed but skeptics that are the way they are because they hate changes in their environment and their way of thinking should be avoided at all cost. There is no value from their influence.

How to direct your energy

I have to say I learn something new today. If the outcome of attaining something is not worth the fight then recognize it fast and struggle for something worth attaining for the effort. The problem is when you spend so much resources struggling for something and latter to find that it wasn't worth the effort. Every time you are on to some thing you need to ask if there is a better way for you to achieve your goals/task. (Because there always is)

Such a simple truth but I need some pain to appreciate it.... lol.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why you should not tell people about your traumatic past experience

In the past I had a god mother that died of cancel, I did went through quite a tough time pondering and accepting the lost of her including the following results of her death. Fast forward into the future, whenever I tell someone about my experience and I happen to talk about something they disagree. They always seems to link my disagreement with them to some perceived trauma I had when it is not the case.

They say oh you think like that because you can't let go of the past when clearly to me it isn't.... Best thing to do is, don't tell people anything about your unusual events. Some people are so quick to make judgement that makes sense straight up without considering the unknowns. What a waste of time.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Drunk drunk drunk

As I am writing I am half drunk, I didn't mean't to get into this situation but a friend from AUS just came back for a holiday and I put up with the drinking games, unfortunately there are people more tolerant than me and I got drunk accidentally....

Feels like shit though. However I manage to meet some interesting people at the bar. I met the infamous

Yeah a really interesting character she is.

It's 3:20 AM tomorrow there is church. Luckily he is only back here once in a long while. Night club and drinking is sure not my thing anymore.... damn. Gosh I hate getting drunk and no I don't want to train myself I need to get up by 8:00AM everyday to start my day. There is another meeting with them after church tomorrow, I am making a point not to drink.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The elites wants war

The bilderberg meeting has just concluded last week. Bilderberg is the unofficial gathering of some of the most powerful people on earth to discuss ways to forward their agenda.

For those who do not know what their agenda is:
1) One world government, and one world currency
2) World depopulation by 80% (Eugenics)

In the meeting they want:

a) A big war on the scale of world war 2
b) Want oil price to steadily increase
c) They want to carry the recession of the world into 2012 to force the Americans and Europeans to accept war.
d) Expand their military involvements in the middle east.

FYI: The reason they want a big war is to enable their economic agendas to be carried out.

This is the group that dictates what will happen in the world, who will become president of USA and whether there is recession or economic boom. Whether there is peace or war. It is in their hands.

All the best I say to you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Man Issues

Before I dated and consider myself attached to a girl I didn't have any trouble disregarding pretty girls I see and meet sometimes. But after being attached to a girl I realized that because of the restrain that is on me I tend to be curious about other attractive girls. Not dating them just asking them out for a drink to get to know them. Is this some kind of man curse?

Some of my friends will tell their BF "you can date and sleep with anyone you want but do not give your heart to them, it belongs to me." But their BF will tell me, they just say that so that we will be honest with them about our affair before getting into trouble.

Hmm, so as long as I live I will have to consciously fight the temptation and be tempted every so often? I wish I can turn on and off my interest in girls around me because I have seen the result of the lack of restrain of other man around me. They bring a lot of grief to their own family...

Haiz, there is so much pit falls in life.

Just now a really hot half korean/chinese (Malaysian) girl slightly younger than me that cuts my hair every so often tell me playfully that she will teach me Chinese when I was about to leave. That is usually an indication of interest and a hint from girls if they are interested in you and want to go out with you. I was tempted to banter back and exchange numbers but I did not. If I were single I would definitely play along and get to know her one on one. But I am not. (FYI: I have been seeing her to get my hair cut for 2 years now)

Haiz. Being a guy can be tough!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Something to remind myself

Before I flew overseas to study and work I thought the whole world was like the world I grew up in. I thought certain people I knew where probably the best in what they do. After years of staying overseas and traveling to different countries and meeting many other cultures I more humbled in my thoughts about what I know. It seems that the more I learn about the world the more I realize how flawed my understanding of the world was and probably still is.

It came as a little shock to me. I concluded whatever accomplishment I have achieved there always will be others what have made greater strides than me. If I want to do better in that field I have to learn what they know and how they do it. If I become an owner of a company one day that needs a competitive edge I need to learn from the best in the world and not try to come up with everything by myself. And if I don't have the capacity to learn I will need to hire the right people in my corporation.

Why am I writing this? Seeing the work of other traders in the Forex factory forum really humble me. The ingenuity and creativity I see there from some of them exceed the best I have met in real life by many many times. If I am wise I will admit to myself what I don't know and learn from them. Going down this route and learning from the best is better than thinking I am all there is. I wish to remind myself of this fact as long as I am going to be in the business world. If I can glorify God in my business and achievements is all the better, but for now I can't see how..... maybe one day. I will learn from others!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Unique people (Traders personality)

Though extremely rare, every now and then I come across a person that will generously share his knowledge when it comes to trading. If you didn't know, the trading community which includes people like George Soros and Jim Rogers is shrouded in secrecy. People in that group are very protective of how they make money and what they know.

The first professional trader I have met was a person that not only introduce me to trading but literally gave me all he knew about making money trading before retiring for good about 3 years latter after 25 years of trading professionally. Frankly I was taken back and surprised when he showed me how this business is done right including all his trading systems and 25 years of his trading knowledge. I thought he was unique until I came to this forum

This forum does contains people that are extraordinary traders and are very very generous with their knowledge. Some just give away their trading systems that makes some serious money and their reasoning is "sharing is caring". They didn't have to do it but they are doing it out of their own generosity to give back to the trading community.

How can you explain people like that? knowing 3 person like that personally I would say these group of people that are generous act likewise because they are not insecure about themselves or their future and are very confident in their ability to make money from the markets even if the trading systems they use become useless. They are usually traders that are already very successful and just want to share it back to new traders and the trading community because just like me it was probably a successful trader that mentored them in the first place.

For anyone aspiring to be a professional trader, in my humble opinion I will say that it is good if you find someone that have years of experience being a successful trader to mentor you. It is not a game for the faint of heart or average competence. It is extremely rare to find successful traders, what more the ones that are generous, but they are out there.

Just for an example I will give you a forum thread of a woman trader that shared a very good trading system. And it really makes money. Just go into the thread and you can gauge what kind of person people like that are like. They are not your average Kiasu Joe.... They are so good at what they do that they want to share their ability.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Prostitutes as social indicators

As I drove back after dropping Jane, I passed by the old side of Miri and I saw quite a number of prostitutes on the streets. I haven't seen this many before. I am going to assume that prostitution have to pay well enough in order for a woman to decide to do it instead of a RM300-RM600 a month pay as a store keeper or a waitress.(sadly our local laborers here have to compete with cheaper workers from Indonesia or neighboring countries-No disrespect to them.)

With this thought in mind I actually went down and asked 2 of them how much their service cost. The first said RM100 for a fast shot the second said RM60 for also a fast shot. The first was in her 20s maybe younger the latter was probably in her mid 30s maybe older. In order to justify the cost with that many prostitutes in mind there must be willing customers that will think it's reasonable or else deals cannot be made.

Perhaps the increasing number of prostitutes can indicate 1 or 2 of these things about the economy.

1) Prostitute's demand increase due to rising salaries of man or an increase of man in the working class population. (More paying jobs for man available)

2) Salaries for woman without qualification stagnated and have not keep up with inflation.

These 2 realities might be true assuming woman in general have preferences against being a prostitute should other sources of incomes become adequate. So rising number of prostitutes can indicate increasingly better number of jobs for man or/and increasingly tough prospect for woman in general in the work force. Bringing in foreign and cheaper labors would also worsened the condition. Since our local man and woman have to settle for a lower pay to compete with cheap foreigner to keep up with ends needs.

Hey I am not supporting prostitutes or condemning any here, I just thought this sort of statistics might be able to predict some trends. Maybe an entrepreneur can see this as a reason to import more condoms and buy up more shop lots for lodging.... Ok, look I am kidding alright? I think the increasing number of prostitutes marks the degradation of society as a whole.

I can't wait to see the world when Christ come back, where there is no more tears, suffering and acts of desperation.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ok I will start blogging

Ok lets see how far I can continue blogging lol, I am not a person that have the patience to sit down and write a blog but due to some request since the time I stop blogging I will give it a shot again.

Ok, what can I talk about....

Ok cool I am going to write something!....... Sorry I can't think of anything to write about..... I got things to do. For crying out loud just give me a call and ask me how am I.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I can't show it in person. Perhaps its not in my character, so i will do it here. Thank you Jane for being such a good GF. I feel you as a very good and close friend would.