Friday, March 30, 2012

Reading the Quran

I was reading the Quran yesterday and was quite surprise that it has a lot of similarities to christianity in the way they describe their God. I am beginning to believe that the Quran was inspired by the same God of the jews and christians.

I grew up being told islam is inspired by the devil. There was a lot of things I read that suggested to me otherwise.

Friday, March 23, 2012

A poem

This is a poem by a friend of mine. This nailed it on the head on how I feel deep down in my heart too.


Peace more real than life
Calm that stills every strife
Protected beyond words
A stillness deafeningly heard

This is the Presence of God

Love to pure to speak
So engulfingly replete
It warms to one’s very core
Answers all one could implore

This is the Presence of God

Freedom beyond compare
Provision for every care
Answers before the prayer
Standing where none else dare

This is the Presence of God

Radiance beyond mere sight
Strength and incomparable might
Glory more brilliant than light
Joy beyond conceivable delight

This is the Presence of God
A Presence for which I crave

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Taking credit

I just read a headline of the news Syrian al-Qaeda Takes Credit for Deadly Bombings

Wow, does it mean that al Qaeda receives brawny points for bombing. Its like someone murdered another human and the headlines goes like, man takes CREDIT for murdering wife. Sounds so wrong. It should be perhaps:

Syrian al-Qaeda Takes RESPONSIBILITY for Deadly Bombings.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I get extremely amused when I hear people bragging about how rich they are supposedly going to be or bragging that they aspire to be a well known and respected business leader of asia. Not because I don't think they can do it(on the contrary a few I met are on their way), its just that, I don't think they have the faintest idea of what they are getting themselves into when it comes to lots of money + fame.

The true literal trillionares of the world(And yes they do exist, mostly jewish banking families) are extremely obsessed about hiding their wealth. Desperately wanting to be famous for having a lot of money is just beyond me.

Ruthless me

I hate wars, I hate death and I hate hearing of other people exploiting the helpless and the poor. Yes I love humanity above the need to suck up to some powerful and rich prick, I appreciate people and generally have a love for everyone around me.

However I notice when I am engaged in an activity where I need to deal with decisions objectively and analytically like programing. I start to become judgmental and calculative with my thoughts especially when it comes to people. I am not kidding but once I was on a programing mission that lasted for months I caught myself thinking of what a useless and crap boss I have. "He can't do shit yet he runs his mouth". I started having very negative feelings towards the way my ex company operated allowing someone as unproductive and irritating as him to run the show. (I dislike bosses that emphasize productivity over quality) I start going on thinking in my head on how the government can help exterminate potential idiotic office politicians without breaking any religious law. One of the way I thought was force sterilization on people that have a history of creating stupid issues or retards or mentally unstable people.

Its scary being in that state. I think I get into that state because that is what I am deep down inside. What I am "normally" is a person that suppress my need for efficiency and perfection over love for humanity. Becoming a full time programer or perhaps a researcher is definitely a no no for me. I am sure as hell I can't be a lawyer too, having one of my parents as one I know its also not for me.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thoughts of Arrogant people

They can come in the form of a proud father/mother or an individual with issues. What ever they are, I am sure most people can agree that they generate in us a negative feeling.

For a long time it puzzled me why would people dislike or hate an arrogant person. Sounds like a stupid question? The answer has probably got to do with human's basic instinct to survive. So how does hating an arrogant person help us in our survival in this world?

Well I finally got an answer after I met someone that doesn't mind an arrogant prick. She is an "average" girl my age. Knowing her, she don't have any inferiority complex and she have a mature mind for her age. She can work along side a really annoying arrogant prick. Now that is really super human. Through her I figured that people generally hate cocky people because cocky people give an impression, at least subconsciously that they think people around them are not competent.

Humans have a basic need to be accepted, appreciated and liked. A cocky person deprive a person of that feeling and so their mind will respond negatively. So truly, its not the cocky person that people hate, what they truly hate is the feeling their mind generate from a cocky person.

The need to be liked in humans is a survival instinct, humans have a tribal mind set. We need a "tribe" for protection. So for the sake of survival the mind will create pain when we are disliked or not appreciated and will create pleasure when we get accepted by our peers. In that way, we generate a herd mentality to conform with the crowd. There is good and bad in doing so. Our primal instinct to survive can interfere with other things in our life.

So if you are forced to work with an arrogant prick, it is really a good chance to learn to put your mind under control, because the primal and subconscious function of your mind doesn't always have the your best interest in its mind.