Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A crappy badminton game?

I played badminton last sunday and a friend of mine I have known for years that is normally quite good in the game was playing like crap. So I ask him whats up with you dude? He said I am going on a first date with a girl latter that is why I can't concentrate. I said, I see, it is about time you grow up eh? (Jokingly)

So I asked what time is the appointment? he said 8 PM, I said goodness you better go back and get ready now dude you will be late. He said nevermind I am going in this outfit (sweaty and wet badminton outfit)

I said dude, this is your first date with her, she is not yours yet, you gotta impress her. He said, I know, but I am not smelly right?

At that point I decide to keep quiet because the situation can't be helped anymore.
If I have a son, one thing I will have to teach him is how to groom himself and then how to impress the other side with chivalry. I know chivalry is bs but hey it works lol

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