Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Something to remind myself

Before I flew overseas to study and work I thought the whole world was like the world I grew up in. I thought certain people I knew where probably the best in what they do. After years of staying overseas and traveling to different countries and meeting many other cultures I more humbled in my thoughts about what I know. It seems that the more I learn about the world the more I realize how flawed my understanding of the world was and probably still is.

It came as a little shock to me. I concluded whatever accomplishment I have achieved there always will be others what have made greater strides than me. If I want to do better in that field I have to learn what they know and how they do it. If I become an owner of a company one day that needs a competitive edge I need to learn from the best in the world and not try to come up with everything by myself. And if I don't have the capacity to learn I will need to hire the right people in my corporation.

Why am I writing this? Seeing the work of other traders in the Forex factory forum really humble me. The ingenuity and creativity I see there from some of them exceed the best I have met in real life by many many times. If I am wise I will admit to myself what I don't know and learn from them. Going down this route and learning from the best is better than thinking I am all there is. I wish to remind myself of this fact as long as I am going to be in the business world. If I can glorify God in my business and achievements is all the better, but for now I can't see how..... maybe one day. I will learn from others!

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