Friday, June 17, 2011

The elites wants war

The bilderberg meeting has just concluded last week. Bilderberg is the unofficial gathering of some of the most powerful people on earth to discuss ways to forward their agenda.

For those who do not know what their agenda is:
1) One world government, and one world currency
2) World depopulation by 80% (Eugenics)

In the meeting they want:

a) A big war on the scale of world war 2
b) Want oil price to steadily increase
c) They want to carry the recession of the world into 2012 to force the Americans and Europeans to accept war.
d) Expand their military involvements in the middle east.

FYI: The reason they want a big war is to enable their economic agendas to be carried out.

This is the group that dictates what will happen in the world, who will become president of USA and whether there is recession or economic boom. Whether there is peace or war. It is in their hands.

All the best I say to you.

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